Adventist Health Portland | Living Well | Fall 2023

2 LIVING WELL @AdventistHealthNW @AHNW Adventist Health Portland @AdventistHealthNW CONNECT WITH US ONLINE Living Well Magazine | Fall 2023 10123 SE Market Street Portland, OR 97216 Living Well is Adventist Health Portland’s biannual magazine providing health information, news and tips for our neighbors in east Portland and surrounding communities. Contributing editors: Laurel Rogers and Heather Pease Photography: C.J. Anderson and Heather Pease Design: Coffey Communications Would you prefer to read Living Well online and opt out of print? Visit Information in LIVING WELL comes from a wide range of medical experts. If you have any concerns or questions about specific content that may affect your health, please contact your health care provider. Models may be used in photos and illustrations. 2023 © Coffey Communications, Inc. All rights reserved. Join Us for Living Well Classes and Events Check out the full list, including self-paced birth and parenting classes, at Events or scan the QR code. SCAN ME Fall 2023 4 Care Beyond Hospital Walls 5 Student Healthcare Leaders: The Eyes of a New Generation 6 The Best Decision for a Big Change 8 A Heart-to-Heart With Thomas Molloy, MD 11 How to Spot the Signs of RSV 14 5 Tips for Managing Weight During the Holidays 8 11 5